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About the terminal (05/16/2021) - Basically I decided to build a command-line based website. You can access pages/articles/files by typing commands inside a terminal, which is currently WIP. However you can try some of the features now!
The terminal currently supports these commands:
  1. availablePages: prints all the pages you can access. Access them via get templates/[pagename].html
  2. cat [filename].[extension]: displays a file as text. Access the file via cat [path/to/file.txt] (I will add an "availableFiles" command)
  3. get templates/[filename].html: displays [filename].html
  4. help: prints a handy command list!
  5. disclaimer: prints a disclaimer and some info about the terminal itself
  6. echo [string]: prints [string]
  7. whoami: prints your username (you'll need to provide a username before accessing the terminal command line)
Update #1 (05/17/2021) - Not much to be honest, but still quite important. I reorganized the commands inside a specific file, so that from now on I'll only need to edit that to add new "terminal" features. Also, I've added a simple startup animation (and a new command to call it - reboot). Now the first big issue is to make the display div "safe", which means I need to make sure that every page spawned inside it won't link to the terminal itself (it would be quite ugly).
Update #1.1 (05/18/2021) - Today I added exec [programName] to the commands. From now on you can run executables from the command line! Each "program" is a function stored inside bin.js. You can print a list of available "programs" with bin/. At the time of this update there's only testProgram, which simply prints out a string. I'll need to figure out a way to implement users' inputs.
Also, I've created a notes feature: now you can write notes, print them and remove them with addnote [note], notes, cnotes (clear all notes) and rnote [note_id] (removes a specific note given its ID).
Update #2 (07/28/2021) - Still alive. Fact is I don't know what to do with this website. I mean, apart from adding commands and features to the terminal. Waiting for ideas to pop into my mind.
Also, thanks to my 3 followers :D.
Update #3 (10/13/2021) - Finally sorted out (kinda) that bloody mess that was the get command. availablePages is now entries. The concept is the same: you can print all the available blog entries and open them with get. Current issues/to-dos:
  1. Usernames. I want to use them inside my posts, i thought about adding a span.your_name inside my posts everytime I want to print the username, using something like getElementsByClassName, but it doesn't seem to work (note: I'm quite a script kiddie, so I don't really know what I'm doing here, hehe);
  2. Terminal-log styling(see Update #3 - Adjustments). The echo("text"); function adds an LI with .textContent="text" to the terminal log UL. It works but this way I cannot edit the echoed text (size, color, font family, etc). I could use innerHTML, but I don't like the idea of echoing user's inputs containing tags and such. One way to solve this could be separating the echo function for the user and the echo function for the system, the latter using innerHTML internally, but this way the user won't be able to echo stylized text (which is not a feature you'd expect by a real terminal, but it's quite cool I think)

Some bonus stuff - If you read my veryfirst.post you'll know that I've been working on other projects apart from this one. I'll make a shortcut in terminal.html so you can take a look at them!
Update #3 - Adjustments (10/14/2021) - As I finally figured out how to setup the blog section of this website, this about.html will only contain terminal development issues and info. So, today I've adjusted the terminal text styling. help and entries's outputs will be more readable. Also, I've changed the terminal font from 'Space Mono' (the one you're seeing here) to Inconsolata monospace which I find a bit more polished. The usernames problem still remains, I'll work on it asap.
There is a core problem with this website tho: it's messed up. I'm having quite a hard time making big improvements to the system because the first time I scripted it I didn't have clear ideas about what to do. There's a chance I might take the terminal down for a while and rebuild it from scratch.
This site is not dead (05/07/2022) - Jeez it's been quite some time since my last significant update... just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and well. The last few months have been quite intense and I didn't have enough energy/willpower to work on this site. However I have never stopped visiting neocities and I am very happy to see that someone likes my terminal thingy, your comments were very nice and I do appreciate them <3. I don't know when I'll be able to upload the next update, but here's (another) to-do list.

Things to fix:
  1. I have to do a lot of cleaning. This website is a mess, it may not be a bug-ridden inferno but it's really hard to make core improvements (like, let's say, implement a username system);
  2. The overall theme could do a little rework. The background is a random space wallpaper moving back and forth, the layout of the windows is too minimalistic (because I'm lazy, not because I wanted it to be - I love brutalism in websites) and the particles effect is kinda boring (at this point I'd rather go with an old monitor/CRT effect);

Things to add:
  1. A button page. Basically every site on neocities has a button page and I love them, I don't know why I haven't made one yet. Also, I should consider making a button myself;
  2. A chatroom/comment section. The problem with the chatroom is that there's plenty of chatboxes online, but I want a very specific style, something like this:

    <fruff0 05/07/2022 13:38> hi this is a message :-)

    I've found some chat boxes that let you tweak some stuff like font size and colors, but it's very limited. An alternative could be HCB (html comment box), which is way more customizable (CSS and everything) but it's a comment box, so not exactly what I'm looking for;
  3. Break the silence. This website is quiet, I'd love to add some sound effects when you type commands and stuff. Also, it would be cool to have a radio/playlist to listen to while browsing;

So, this is it for now. I understand it's not much, but I'm really out of ideas in this period with all the stuff that's going on around. I think I'll make a proper todo list to update in case something pops in my mind. I love you all, bye :D